On-Site Staff

Fulvio Orsitto
Fulvio S. Orsitto (Ph.D. in Italian Cultural Studies from the University of Connecticut) has published numerous essays and book chapters on Italian and Italian American cinema, and on Italian Literature. His book publications include the edited volumes: The Other and the Elsewhere in Italian Culture (2011), Cinema and Risorgimento: Visions and Re-Visions (2012), Cultural Contaminations (2014 – with S. Wright), Pier Paolo Pasolini. American Perspectives (2015 – with F. Pacchioni), Cultural Crossings (2016 – with S. Wright), TOTalitarian ARTs: The Visual Arts, Fascism(s), and Mass-Society (2017 – with M. Epstein & A. Righi), and The Italiano Economic Boom in Cinema, Television and Literature (2019 – with U. Perolino). In 2012 he co-edited Vol. XXXIV of the NeMLA Journal of Italian Studies, and in 2014 he published (with C. Peralta & F. Caramaschi) the manual Film and Education. Capturing Bilingual Communities.

Giuditta Viceconte
Business Manager
Dottoressa Viceconte joined the Villa Le Balze community in 2006. She is Florentine and has a degree in Foreign Languages from the University of Florence, Italy, and a Certification to teach Italian language and culture to foreigners from the University of Siena. Dottoressa Viceconte has worked for several American Institutions located in Florence including Smith College, Syracuse University, California State University and Richmond College. In recent years, Dottoressa Viceconte has dedicated herself to the administration of programs abroad; she served as Assistant Director for the Georgetown Law Summer School in Florence as well as Undergraduate Program Coordinator for the Johns Hopkins University in Florence.

Refugio Cruz
Academics and Activities Manager