Archived Villa News

Homecoming 2013 (September 27, 2013)
When: Friday, September 27 2013, 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Location: Robert and Bernice Wagner Alumni House – 3604 O St. NW
Did you attend the Villa Program in Italy? If so, don’t miss this chance to catch up with other VLB Alumni and friends at this hilltop tradition – the VLB Homecoming Aperitivo! Italian wine and snacks will be provided, and proceeds from the event will benefit the Villa’s restoration and programming. We expect this to be a popular event, so sign up early!
$15 for Current Students, $30 for Young Alumni, $40 for others
Register for this event at Homecoming 2013
Reunion 2013 Wine and Cheese Pairing (May 31, 2013)
When: Friday, May 31 2013, 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Location: Car Barn Esplanade
Join us as for an Italian wine and cheese tasting as we honor Villa Le Balze Alumni who are celebrating their reunion years in 2013! This year also marks 100th Anniversary of the construction of the Villa and its gardens. Priority for VLB program alumni and their guests; RSVP early as space is limited!
Tavola Rotunda: “Lingua, non lingua: quale didattica per l’italiano oggi?”
When: Friday, October 26, 2012
Location: VLB Library
Villa Le Balze is pleased to host a roundtable discussion on Italian language learning and eaching on Friday October, 26, 2012. Please note that the presentations and discussions as outlined in the Tavola Rotunda programwill be held in Italian.
This event is organzied by Imperatrice DiPassio ( For more information and to attend, please contact Simona Mocali, Assistant Director at Villa Le Balze (
Villa Le Balze Homecoming Reception
When: Friday, September 28 2012, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Location: Robert and Bernice Wagner Alumni House – 3604 O St. NW
Alumni and friends of Villa Le Balze are invited to attend an aperitivo to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the construction of the Villa and its gardens. Italian wine and snacks will be provided, and proceeds from the event will benefit the Villa’s restoration and programming. We expect this to be a popular event, so sign up early!
$15 for Current Students, $30 for Young Alumni, $40 for others
Register for this event at GU Homecoming 2012
Relocation and Renovation (2010)
In 2010, Villa Le Balze had to undertake emergency rennovations and for the first time in her history of academic programming, Georgetown had to relocate the second summer and Fall semester programs. While the main focus of the renovation was the replacement of some damaged roof beams, because the property was uninhabited the university was also able to undertake some other renovation and maintenance projects including the addition of a second emergency exit on the basement level and the conversion of a large bathroom into two smaller ones. The Villa re-opened to the public and once again was home to students beginning in January 2011.
Georgetown is fortunate not to have had to cancel any programming due to the renovations; a very special thanks goes out to the extraordinary group of Fall 2010 semester students who stayed and studied in nearby hotels. The continuation of the program during these emergency rennovations is testament to the fact that the Villa is more than beautiful buildings, outstanding views and historic gardens – rather she is the founders, students, faculty, staff, and visitors who the breath life and spirit into Villa Le Balze.
We continue to have a long-term property maintenance plan in place to ensure that many future generations of Hoyas can enjoy the Villa’s exquisite offerings. Find out more on how you can contribute to Villa Le Balze.
Orvieto: A Unique Homestay Experience (2008)
The Fall 2008 Villa Le Balze students recently participated in the first half a unique exchange opportunity with students from Italian high schools in Orvieto. Organized by Prof. Imperatrice DiPassio, the homestay experience is divided into two phases: Recently, Georgetown University students spent 3 days in the the Italian homes of students at the Liceo Classico and the Istituto d’Arte. While some of the time was spent in the Italian classroom, most of the time the American students were entertained by their Italian hosts visiting museums and monuments with their “local guides”. In early November, the Italian students will spend a weekend in Fiesole attending a class at the Villa and seeing how American students explore all that Florence has to offer!
Renovations (2007-2008)
Anybody who has visited the Villa Le Balze knows about its extraordinary view of Florence, beautiful formal gardens, and elegant buildings. To allow the Villa, which was designed by architect Cecil Pinsent for the small family of Charles Augustus Srong to continue to be used by students, staff, faculty, and visitors, major maintenance projects have become necessary over time.
In 2007, Georgetown began a renovation program to preserve the beauty of this property for year to come, and that, at the same time will make the Villa better equipped to host a vibrant, living-learning community of students, guests, and scholars. Thanks to this program, the second phase of which was completed during the summer of 2008, the Ville Le Balze is able to offer its guests greater comfort, upgraded safety precautions, increased accessibility for physically challenged visitors and a technologically advanced classroom.
During the summer of 2007 the Villa installed a wireless network, giving access to the information available on the web from virtually any point in the Villa and adjacent gardens. This will allow students and guests to work and to communicate in their rooms or while enjoying the sunshine or a fresh breeze in the gardens.
The summer of 2007 also saw major changes in the area of the service entrance, where a large part of the office spaces are now concentrated and where additional facilities for physically disabled persons have been installed in respect of Italian and American legislation. In addition, electronic swipe card readers have been installed at all entrances to increase safety.
During the Spring 2008 semester, part of the annex building at the front gate (formerly the resident faculty apartment) was transformed into student housing and includes a room and a bathroom equipped for physically challenged students. The resident faculty member, an important and vital member of the Villa community, now stays in a rental apartment in Fiesole within walking distance of the Villa.
The renovation activities during Spring 2008 focused on the classroom, the annexed rooms, and the loggia. While the original plans to transform the loggia into a large classroom and conference hall were not approved by the city administration of Fiesole, these new plans allowed for the creation of a second classroom and additional facilities for students and faculty.
We hope that as a result of the renovation activities new generation of Georgetown University students, alumni, and friends will continue to be able to enjoy the Villa for years to come.