Semester Living Learning Community Programs

The program of study at the Villa offers students an interdisciplinary engagement with the history and culture of Italy. All courses are taught in English, with the exception of Italian language classes. A background in Italian, while not required, is highly recommended for students who plan to study at the Villa. The program is open to undergraduate students from all schools and departments at Georgetown who wish to enrich their academic curricula and experience a new culture.
The Villa programs welcome not only Georgetown students to apply, but also undergraduates from other American universities and colleges. Past Villa alumni include students from Amherst, Duke, Penn, UCLA, the University of Chicago, the University of Virginia, and Yale. All students interested in enrolling in the various programs follow the same application procedure.
Accepted students are required to enroll in a minimum of fifteen credits each semester. Students may take up to eighteen credit hours while at the Villa. With prior approval from the students’ deans and/or departmental advisors, the courses offered at the Villa may serve to fulfill both degree prerequisite requirements and major requirements. As Villa Le Balze is part of Georgetown University, grades for Georgetown students transfer directly into their grade point averages. Non-Georgetown students receive a GU transcript at the end of the semester.