Application Resources

Semester Checklist

  • Electronic Submissions – All electronic submissions must be submitted online by 11:59PM on the application deadline.
    • Study Proposal
    • Student Conduct Form
    • Unofficial Transcript
    • Emergency Contact Information
    • Statement of Academic Intent
    • Any additional program-specific materials
  • Recommendations – One letter of recommendation is required. The recommendation must come from a professor that has taught the student. It is preferred that recommendations be submitted through the online application system – myGUABROAD.
  • Material Submissions – All material submissions must be submitted to the Office of Global Education by 5:00PM on the application deadline day. They may include any program-specific materials. Transfer students must submit an official transcript from their previous institution, and non-Georgetown students must submit an official transcript from their current institution. Non-Georgetown students must also submit the Summer Overseas Course Form.

Summer Checklist

  • Electronic Submissions – All electronic submissions must be submitted online by 11:59PM on the application deadline.
    • Summer Course Approval Form
    • Student Conduct Form (undergraduates only)
    • Unofficial Transcript
    • Emergency Contact Information
    • Statement(s) of Purpose
  • Recommendations – One letter of recommendation is required. The recommendation must come from a professor that has taught the student. It is preferred that recommendations be submitted through the online application system – myGUABROAD.
  • Material Submissions – All material submissions must be turned in to the Summer Programs staff at the Office of Global Education by 5:00PM on the application deadline. They may include any program-specific materials. Transfer students must submit an official transcript from their previous institution, and non-Georgetown students must submit an official transcript from their current institution. Non-Georgetown students must also submit the Summer Overseas Course Form and a $35 non-refundable application fee (check or money order only) payable to Georgetown University.


Semester Programs

Applications for the fall semester usually open around November 1st and are due in mid-February. Applications for the spring semester usually open around April 1st and are due in mid-September.

Deadlines for Spring Abroad

April – Applications Open

Mid September – Application Deadline

Late September – Nominations Announced

Late-October – Commitment Deadline

Deadlines for Fall Abroad

November – Applications Open

Mid-February – Application Deadline

Late-February – Nominations Announced

Early-March – Commitment Deadline

Summer Programs

Applications for summer programs usually open around November 1st.

Deadlines for Summer Programs

November – Applications Open

Early February – Application Deadline

Late February – Nominations Announced

March – Commitment Deadline

Eligibility Criteria

Academic Eligibility

Students applying to the Villa for a semester or full-year should typically have a cumulative GPA of 2.5.* 

*Students whose GPA is currently below a 2.5 are encouraged to speak with an OGE advisor early in the process to learn about their options for semester study abroad and to inquire about the Eligibility Addendum form (see below).

Disciplinary Eligibility

Applicants are expected to be in good standing at Georgetown University or their home university.  To remain in good standing, a student must maintain a strong, consistent academic record, meet the academic standards set forth by the University and exhibit a history of good citizenship and student conduct.  Students are not eligible to participate in an overseas studies program while on active academic or disciplinary probation.  For full consideration, students should complete all student conduct sanctions prior to submitting an application.

It is important to remember that all nominations are inherently conditional.  A significant decline in academic performance or a disciplinary sanction prior to departure may render a student ineligible for study abroad. This is true even if the student has already received a nomination from Georgetown.

Eligibility Addendum Form

If a student does not meet one or more of the eligibility requirements, he/she may submit an Eligibility Addendum Form (EAF) to provide more information for the selection committee. This form is available after the mandatory advising appointment from an OGE regional advisor.

Students should begin the advising and application process early if they intend to submit an EAF. Students are also strongly encouraged to review their written EAF proposal with their curricular dean for input and advice. Submission of this form does not guarantee approval for study abroad.

Process and Timeline


  • Research study abroad options.
  • Verify that your passport will be valid for at least six months after your anticipated return date; apply for or renew your passport if necessary.
  • Discuss study abroad options and finances with family.
  • Attend a Study Abroad 101 session.

September, October, & November

  • Mid-September: Spring application deadline.
  • Early November: Summer and Fall online applications open
  • Attend a program-specific Information Session; dates, times, and locations will be emailed to all students
  • Make an appointment with an advisor if you have additional questions.
  • Discuss financial aid opportunities with your Financial Aid Advisor.
  • Begin your online application.
  • Meet with your advising dean to review your program and discuss any academic issues.

December & January

  • Continue working on your application.
  • Meet with your advisors as needed.


March & April

  • Early-March: Spring online applications open.
  • Mid-March: Acceptance commitment deadline.
  • Complete the mandatory Online Health & Safety Orientation modules.
  • Attend a mandatory program-specific Orientation Session; date, time, and location will be emailed to all students who have submitted acceptance materials.
  • Register your passport with the Department of State: (US citizens only).
  • Begin applying for your visa; if necessary.


Applying to the Villa

How do I get in contact with a program advisor?

You can schedule an appointment with the advisor for the Villa on the Office of Global Education’s website.

Are non-GU students eligible to apply?

Villa Le Balze programs are open to undergraduates from other American-accredited universities and colleges. Accepted students are registered at Georgetown University as non-degree seeking students for the term in which they are enrolled in a Villa program. Non-Georgetown students receive a GU transcript at the end of the semester. More information can be found on our Non-Georgetown Students page.

When is the deadline to apply?

Deadlines vary depending on the program to which you are applying. Generally speaking, the deadline for the

  • fall semester abroad would be in mid-February of the previous semester.
  • spring semester abroad would be in mid-September of the previous semester.
  • summer term abroad would be at our early deadline in December or our regular deadline in February.

For more information about a specific program, visit the program’s online brochure .

How many recommendations are needed to apply?

Applications for programs at the Villa generally require one academic recommendation. Once you begin your application, you will be able to electronically request recommendations from your recommender. For tips on completing your application and requesting recommendations please visit the resources available on the Office of Global Education’s website:

How competitive are programs at the Villa?

The competitiveness of programs at the Villa varies. The advisor for the Villa will be able to provide more specific information regarding the competitiveness for a given program or term abroad at the Villa. In general, students should focus on articulating why their chosen program is the best academic fit and how it aligns with students’ personal and academic goals.

When do students usually study abroad at the Villa?

Students are eligible to participate in a Villa summer program anytime during their GU career – from the summer after their freshman year to the summer after graduation.

Georgetown students are generally eligible to participate in a Villa semester program during their junior year. Students in the Georgetown College are also eligible to study at the Villa as a second semester sophomore as long as they have declared their major. Students from one of the other Georgetown schools may also have the opportunity to petition their respective school in order to study abroad as a second semester sophomore. All students should speak with an advisor to see how the Villa can fit into their academic careers.

Program Budget & Finances

How much does a program at Villa Le Balze cost?

The Office of Global Education provides budget estimates for each program abroad, which include the total amount billed by GU as well as an estimate for additional costs incurred. To view the budgets for a specific program:

Are there scholarships or financial aid available to fund my study abroad?

All forms of financial aid (with the exception of federal work-study funds) can be applied to semester abroad programs. This includes Georgetown grants, loans, scholarships, and state and federal awards, such as Pell Grants and Guaranteed Student Loans. Financial aid packages will be based on the specific costs of the program. In cases where work-study funds are not available, or where the cost of living at the semester or full-year study site exceeds that of the GU main campus, the financial aid package will be revised to cover the additional funds needed for room and board, as well as transportation and other personal expenses. The following expenses will be included when calculating a student’s financial need: tuition and fees, room and board, books, airfare, and miscellaneous expenses (such as toiletries, limited entertainment, local transportation, immunizations and any health insurance required by the host country).

Normal procedures and deadlines for filing financial aid applications apply. Students are encouraged to speak with their financial aid counselor to discuss any questions that may arise.


Which option is the best for me: a homestay or on-site housing?

When deciding which type of accommodation will be best for you, consider your goals for the program: language acquisition, cultural immersion, etc. We suggest you discuss the options with your family, previous participants, and the program advisor. Make an appointment with the advisor.

Can my food allergy (or dietary restriction) be accommodated at the Villa?

The Villa’s two cooks provide a varied menu of Italian meals and, where possible, will take into consideration dietary restrictions. In the past the Villa has been able to accommodate allergies to gluten, nuts, and lactose as well as accommodating vegan and vegetarian diets. If you have a food allergy or dietary restriction, we ask that you discuss this with the advisor.

Do you have questions that we haven’t answered? Then send us an email at