Non-Georgetown Students

Villa Le Balze programs are open to undergraduates from other American universities and colleges. Past Villa alumni include students from Pomona College, Amherst College, Duke University, UPenn, UCLA, the University of Chicago, the University of Virginia, and Yale University. Non-GU students will be registered at Georgetown University as non-degree seeking students for the term in which they are enrolled in a Villa program, and receive an official Georgetown transcript at the end of the semester or summer term.
Why Villa Le Balze
Villa Le Balze programs are attractive to non-Georgetown students for a number of compelling reasons, including its excellent academic reputation, small program and class sizes (courses average about 8-12 students per course), and the unique living and learning community experience.
Applying to Villa Le Balze
Non-Georgetown students wishing to apply to Villa Le Balze programs utilize the same online application as GU students, consisting of a statement of interest, academic recommendations, and electronic questionnaires. Additionally, non-GU students are required to submit an official (sealed) transcript from their home institution, as well as additional hard copy materials that may include passport photos, and an application fee. Before applying to a Villa Le Balze program, non-Georgetown students should speak with an academic advisor at their home institution to make sure that credit from Georgetown can be appropriately transferred to their home institution and applied towards their degree requirements.